Hannah’s Book:

Although I couldn’t comment directly on your book, I really appreciated the humor you included. I think this shows your personality well and approaches these serious texts in a new and insightful way. Most of the content you included pokes fun at these novels, not just for the sake of doing it, but to critique the larger ideas at play, which is very unique.

Aubrie’s Book:

I think your commonplace book is cool because it shows how your ideas about each novel have shifted over time. You didn’t really have a unifying theme, but the focus on what you think was interesting speaks to who you are as a person. I particularly liked how you included a wide range of media outside the novel which demonstrates your curiosity in relation to the books we’ve read.

Andrea’s Book:

I can tell you really dove into the background of the books we read and I appreciate that your book reflects what you found specifically interesting. I think your final reflection could honestly be based on option 1 or 2, even though I know you’ve written up option 1 already. I think the common thread that runs through your common book is exploring the reality that each book was written during.